Gospel Live
Gospel Live Gig
Fri 4 May 2012

Videos from 2012 Don Francisco Tour:
He's Alive

Don Francisco with Mike Banta
Don Francisco and Mike Manta

Zoe Elliot
Zoe ELliot
Guest artist

Videos from 2011 Don Francisco Tour:

Too Small a Price (with worship)

Come and Follow

I Don't Care Where You've Been Sleeping

Adam Where are You?

Don Francisco
Over 20 albums, two Dove Awards, 30 years of the Word in song... Don Francisco is a Christian singer, songwriter and guitarist with a passion for the Word and the Spirit Life of Jesus Christ.

Don Francisco

Don Francisco is known best for his powerful story songs like "He’s Alive," "Adam, Adam Where are You" and songs of encouragement, like "I’ll Never Let Go of Your Hand." Don's acoustic style is distinctive. As one fan website has explained, "He tends to focus on acoustic instruments barren of modern production techniques and concentrates on the narratives of the songs, using a ballad style or speaking through the music that interprets Scriptural events or Biblical lessons."

Don Francisco

"Most people in Australia who were Christians in the late 70's/early 80's would have been impacted by the music of this extraordinary singer/songwriter. We rate him as one of the top Christian songwriters in the last 100 years, no ever.

Don Francsico
His songs show his deep understanding of the grace and the glory of our Lord and King. His music still reduces us to tears of love and joy.

Don FranciscoWhatever you do, DO NOT MISS this man's concert"

Robbie & Steve Elliot

" Your work is a fantastic tool to encourage, bless and gently challenge the hurting and lost, and to bring those who would not otherwise have Bible stories and God's heart opened up to them in such a special way. Thanks very much for all that you do!"

"I often wonder what my life would have been like if I had not decided to listen to "High Praise" that blessed morning. Instead of a scared and aching need and hope for Jesus, I have a heart that is filled up with Him and the daily sermons and teachings that I get from your music have changed my life and given me the opportunity to share the love and joy with so many others."

Mike Banta will join Don Francisco at Gospel Live.



Zoe Elliot -Without Shoes

Zoe Elliot -Meet Me

Zoe Elliot

Zoe Elliot is a singer songwriter who is renowned for her fresh, charismatic and emotional performances. Her music ranges from fun and rhythmic to soulful, reflective and quirky. Zoe Elliot
Her voice has a unique melting tone, however there is plenty of voice for her bigger bluesy songs. She captivates you with melodic, insightful, heart reaching story telling painted with imagery.  Expect to be inspired, provoked and encouraged.

Zoe Elliot
"..sad in the most beautiful way,... incredibly engaging, ..engrossing, ... performed with absolute honesty.." - Iva Davies of Icehouse, Oct, 2009, at The Peninsula's Got Talent

"You are incredible, it made me cry. .. I was gripped, the lyrics are beautiful,.. so inspiring. You have the voice of an angel..." Rebecca Gibney Oct, 2009, at The Peninsula's Got Talent .

"Zoe Elliot is one of those natural talents who comes along once a decade. Her easy sultry style, slow sexy smile, the vocal and instrumentation to back it up. ... Her voice is captivating and pure. She glides from pop to folk with ease. This young, vibrant, beautiful songstress has the voice of an angel. Her skills on acoustic guitar are breathtaking." - Shashona McCall, Indie Showcase, www.indieshowcase.net Nov, 2010

Zoe Elliot
"Her new album, Precipitate, presents more of the poignant songwriting that we've come to expect from this thoughtful and intelligent artist." - Rod Bennett, Entertainment Editor, Manly Daily, Oct, 2010

Zoe has opened for Dragon, played alongside Declan O'Rouke, and won the 2010 Australians Songwriters Conference Song Contest (Adult Contemporary and Grand Winner), 2GO Annual Acoustic Awards (2010) and the SongsAlive Showcase (2009). She peforms regularly around Sydney at venues like The Manly Fig, The Basement, Manly Jazz Festival, The Manly Food & Wine Festival, World Food Festival, The Shack, Fairlight Folk, Lizotte's (Kincumber and Dee Why), Beachfolk, The Old Manly Boatshed, Fair Trade Festival, International Women's Day Festival, The Sands and Harbord Hotel.
